
5 Danger of Flu in Pregnant Women and How to Prevent it

5 Danger of Flu in Pregnant Women and How to Prevent it - The flu that is one of the diseases that are caused by a viral infection. and the Flu can also be attacking anyone. Most people assume that the flu is a mild disease, and can be cured only with a break so ignore its treatment. but the flu that occurs in women who are pregnant is very dangerous and bad for the health of the fetus.

 5 Danger of Flu in Pregnant Women and How to Prevent it
 5 Danger of Flu in Pregnant Women and How to Prevent it

Flu in women is very dangerous and could be at risk of death in pregnant women who suffer from a stone more than 3 days and did not recover. He should immediately consult a doctor. and don't ignore it or menungga recovers by itself.
Causes Of Flu

The flu is caused by a type of RNA virus infections and often attack humans and animals as well. the disease usually attacks the respiratory system and transmitted through the air. When the immune system is weak and also his nutritional less, then it is easily exposed to the flu. Flu symptoms such as chills, pain in the throat, feeling a fever, headaches, and also others. and that pregnant women should suffer from flu at the time of pregnancy is very dangerous for the health of the fetus.

Here is the danger of the flu that occurs during pregnancy, including:

1. Prematuritas and LOW BIRTH WEIGHT

Women who are suffering from flu at the time of pregnancy gave birth to a baby that is potentially not quite a month or premature birth.  and in infants infected with the flu are at risk of disease or death is higher when compared to infants who are not infected with the influenza virus.

2. Bipolar disorder

This disorder can cause changes in mood, such as depression, despair.

3. Schizophrenia in children who are born

The flu can result in disorders of the oxygen needs of pregnant women. Therefore, it can affect the State of the fetus that obtain oxygen from the mother through the placenta. and also the lack of oxygen in fetus could affect the volume on a large brain that deals with memory. and the baby who suffered lack of oxygen affected risk of schizophrenia.

4. Autism

The mother while pregnant suffering from flu or fever while pregnant is high more than a week, tend to have a greater risk for giving birth to a child with a mental disorder. Therefore, there is no harm for the mother to be careful and not to prevent flu during pregnancy.

5. The throat and stomach Pain

Women who are pregnant can cause pain in the throat and stomach when suffering from flu, and also menungkatkan the body temperature, stuffy nose, easily berkeringan even a headache. pain in the body can cause risk of premature babies born in the State.

The handling of the Flu in pregnant women

During pregnancy the mother should take heart in taking the drug because it can cause harmful effects on the fetus. and the best way to deal with the flu that is by checking out a doctor gynecologist. so the doctor gave medicines that match the symptoms you feel.

The following can be done when pregnant women experiencing the flu:

in women who are pregnant are strongly encouraged for much of the rest and not doing heavy activity.
Expand to consume healthy food and also nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits and also food containing vitamin C in order to improve the durability of the body.
To overcome the clogged nose, use eucalyptus oil Expand drinking water because the flu makes vulnerable mothers affected by dehydration.

How to prevent Flu in pregnant women

In women who are pregnant is strongly recommended for influenza vaccination, because the vaccine is the best way to prevent the flu. and influenza vaccination also proved to reduce the risk of influenza and its complications in the pregnancy period up to 6 months of fetal development. no effect on influenza vaccine Teratology pepsinogen.

Getting used to living clean, because cleanliness is a powerful way to prevent various diseases. things; the most basic to prevent infection of bacteria and viruses is to always wash your hands. wash your hands before eating habit and also after meal. and also avoid contact directly with people who were suffering from the flu, use a clean mask when outside the home. 

Editor : AS
Image Credit : Getty Images
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